Louisiana school bus pre trip inspection checklist

A thorough pre-trip inspection is a crucial part of a truck driver’s responsibilities. This inspection ensures the safety, functionality, and compliance of your vehicle before hitting the road. By systematically checking key components, you can identify potential issues, prevent accidents, and avoid costly breakdowns or violations.

This pre-trip inspection checklist is designed to guide you through the necessary steps to evaluate the condition of your vehicle. It covers all critical areas, including the engine compartment, brakes, tires, lights, and more. Regular adherence to this checklist not only keeps you and others safe but also helps maintain your vehicle in optimal condition, ensuring you remain in compliance with federal and state regulations.

Pre Trip Inspection Checklist

There are many sections to learn but the test is not as difficult as it may seem. Studying our simplified Class-A pre-trip inspection checklist and taking classes at your local CDL training school will get you prepared.

Engine Compartment

What to Check For:

When checking the engine compartment, you will always want to make sure the following components are properly mounted and secured. You should also make sure they are not cracked, bent or broken. The items you will need to check for include:

Belt Driven Alternator
Belt Driven Water Pump
Brake Chamber
Brake Drum
Brake Hose
Brake Lining
Caste Nuts and Cotter Pins
Coolant Reservoir
Drag Link
Gear Box and Hoses
Gear Driven Air Compressor
Gear Driven Power Steering Pump
General Hoses (Passenger and Driver’s Side)
Hub Seal
Leaf Springs
Lug Nuts
Oil Level
Pitman Arm
Power Steering Fluid Reservoir
Shock Absorber
Slack Adjuster and Push Rod
Spring Hanger
Steering Column
Steer Tire
Tie Rod

Driver Door Fuel Area

What to Check For:

Again it is important to make sure these items are properly mounted and secure. Look for cracks, bends, and breaks.

Axle Seal
Brake Chamber
Brake Drum
Brake Hose
Brake Lining
Catwalk and Steps
Door and Hinges
Drive Shaft
Drive Tire
Exhaust System
Frame and Cross Members
Fuel Tank
Lug Nuts
Mud Flap
Shock Absorber
Slack Adjuster and Push Rod
Spring Arm
Spring Mount
Torque Arm

Coupling Area

What to Check For:

Air Lines
Electric Line
Glad Hands
King Pin
Locking Jaws
Mounting Bolts
Release Arm
Skid Plate
Sliding Fifth Wheel Locking Pin


What to Check For:

Axle Seal
Brake Chamber
Brake Drum
Brake Hose
Brake Lining
Frame and Cross Members
Header Board
Landing Gear
Lug Nuts
Rear Door and Hinges
Shock Absorber
Slack Adjuster and Push Rod
Tandem Frame and Release
Trailer Tire

There should be no abrasions, bulges or cuts to the tread or sidewalls. Tread depth should be no less than 2/32 of an inch. The tire should be properly filled to manufacturer’s specifications and checked with an air gauge.

Light Check

The five functions are:

In-Cab Inspection and Brake Tests

What to Check For:

The last section is In-Cab Inspection and Brake Tests. For the In-Cab Inspection you will once again want to make sure all of the following components are properly mounted and secure. As well as the following:

Air Brake Test

There are three stages to an air brake test:

Air Pressure Gauges
Emergency Equipment
Heater and Defroster
Horns (Air Horn and City Horn)
Lighting Indicators
Safe Start
Seat Belt
Oil Pressure Gauge
Parking Brake
Service Brake Check
Water Temperature Gauge
Windshield and Mirrors
Windshield Wipers and Washers

During a CDL pre-trip inspection, truckers inspect many aspects of their commercial vehicle, including the overall safety of the vehicle; major hoses, fluid levels, and vehicle belts; the clutch or gear shift; and emergency equipment. The driver demonstrates their knowledge by walking around the vehicle, checking various safety components and explaining why each part should be checked for safety.

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Reference and practice tests: