Free Power of Attorney Revocation Form

Avoid legal disputes by using our free and easy-to-use Revocation of Power of Attorney template to cancel legal authority given to an agent through a Power of Attorney (POA).

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Reason to Revoke your Power of Attorney: Name a different agent I have no more use for it Another reason

Last Update July 29th, 2024

POA Revocation Form

Cancellation of Power of Attorney

Termination of Power of Attorney

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Table of Contents:

What Is a Revocation of Power of Attorney

A Revocation of Power of Attorney legally annuls any powers given to an attorney-in-fact, also called an agent, through a Power of Attorney (POA).

As the party who originally granted authority to the agent, the principal typically initiates the revocation process.

Although some states allow the verbal revocation of powers, most demand a legal form as proof of intentions.

A Power of Attorney Revocation must include the following elements to be effective:

Some states also require Revocation of Power of Attorney forms to be certified by a notary public. Canceling a POA can also be achieved by issuing a new Power of Attorney containing a clause that revokes any authority granted in the original one.

Use our Revocation of Power of Attorney template to avoid errors and omissions in your document.

Reasons to Revoke a Power of Attorney

It is impossible to include a complete list of reasons why you may need to revoke a POA, as there are unlimited variations of circumstances.

However, we have compiled the following situations where you might need a Revocation of Power of Attorney form:

Be aware that the only one who can revoke a Power of Attorney is the principal mentioned in the original POA or someone assigned by a court in the name of the principal.

Revocation of Power of Attorney Sample

To draft a legally valid Revocation Power of Attorney form, you must know which details to include.

Examine the example below to get a better idea ofhow to outline your document.

Revocation of Power of Attorney Sample

Get a Power of Attorney Revocation Form

How to Revoke a Power of Attorney

The safest way to cancel any powers given to an agent through a POA is by releasing a Revocation of Power of Attorney form.

Complete the following steps to issue your document:

  1. Fill out the form. Compare it to the original POA to ensure all details are correct.
  2. Sign it. Failing to sign requires that you include the following information: State and county where the POA is in effect, principal’s name and addres, revocation date and agent’s name.
  3. Notarize the document. Not all states require this, but it adds credibility.
  4. Include witnesses. While not necessary for most states, it is recommended to have at least one to legally validate the form.
  5. File the document in the county recorder’s office. If the original POA was recorded, its revocation should too.
  6. Notify the agent. Use certified mail to receive proof of delivery.
  7. Inform third parties. Financial institutions, lawyers, and accountants are some examples of stakeholders you should notify to avoid fraud.

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Power of Attorney Revocation FAQs

It is crucial to understand the requirements and details of a Power of Attorney Revocation form before drafting one.

Read through our FAQs below to clarify any doubts about how they work.

Do I Need to Notarize My Revocation of Power of Attorney?

Not all states demand notarization when revoking a Power of Attorney. However, many government agencies and private companies may require a notarized copy of the revocation.

A notary public adds credibility to the document by verifying the identity of all the parties involved and their understanding of the consequences of signing the form.

What Types of POAs Can Be Revoked?

A principal can revoke any kind of POA, including durable powers of attorney. Only when the principal has become incapacitated can a POA no longer be revoked without a complex legal process.

If an agent is not acting in the principal's best interest, granted powers should be revoked as soon as possible to avoid damages.

Can You Cancel a Power of Attorney at Any Time?

A Power of Attorney can be revoked at any time without the need to provide any reasons. Principals should observe periodically if the agent is honoring the terms of the POA and acting in good faith.

Agents are legally bound to put the principal's interests first. Should this not be the case, a revocation of the granted powers should be arranged quickly to avoid a potential legal process.

Revocation of Power of Attorney Sample

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Preview of your Power of Attorney Revocation


I, _________, residing at _________, hereby formally revoke the power of attorney that I initially granted on _________. This power of attorney appointed _________ with a permanent residence at _________ as my agent. Effective immediately, _________ no longer holds the authority to act on my behalf. Any authority previously granted to _________ by the aforementioned power of attorney is hereby revoked, canceled, and terminated as of this ________ day of ________________, ________.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal at the City of _________ in the State of Alabama this ________ day of ________________, ________.

in the presence of: ____________________________________

I, the undersigned witness, hereby acknowledge that:
1. I observed the signing of the Revocation of Power of Attorney pertaining to _________, dated this ________ day of ________________, ________.
2. I am of legal age and possess the capacity to witness the signing of the Revocation of Power of Attorney.
3. In my professional opinion, _________ had the requisite capacity to comprehend the nature and consequences of the Revocation of Power of Attorney at the time of signing. Furthermore, _________ executed the Revocation of Power of Attorney willingly and voluntarily, without any undue compulsion or influence from any person.

Signature: __________________________
Name: ____________________________
Address: ___________________________

I, the undersigned witness, hereby acknowledge that:
1. I observed the signing of the Revocation of Power of Attorney pertaining to _________, dated this ________ day of ________________, ________.
2. I am of legal age and possess the capacity to witness the signing of the Revocation of Power of Attorney.
3. In my professional opinion, _________ had the requisite capacity to comprehend the nature and consequences of the Revocation of Power of Attorney at the time of signing. Furthermore, _________ executed the Revocation of Power of Attorney willingly and voluntarily, without any undue compulsion or influence from any person.

Signature: __________________________
Name: ____________________________
Address: ___________________________

PRE-SIGNING REQUIREMENTS: Instructions for Executing Your Revocation

Prior to executing your Revocation of Power of Attorney, please ensure the following steps are duly observed:

1. Thorough Understanding: Before affixing your signature, thoroughly read and comprehend the contents of the document.
2. Signature Requirement: For the document to attain validity, it is imperative that you sign it using your customary check signing style.
3. Presence of Notary or Witnesses: The signing process must occur in the presence of either your notary or witnesses.
4. Notary and Witnesses Signatures: Following your signing, both your notary and witnesses are required to sign the document in your presence.

By adhering to these steps, you contribute to the proper execution and validity of the Revocation of Power of Attorney.

Signature: __________________________
Date: ______________________________

Please note that individuals who qualify as witnesses for your document cannot include your spouse, partner, child, your agent or alternate agent, or the spouse of your agent or alternate agent. Additionally, in some jurisdictions, witnesses mentioned in your will, whether as a beneficiary or executor/executrix, may be disqualified. It is advisable to refrain from selecting witnesses with any financial ties to you. The chosen witnesses must meet the legal age requirements in your jurisdiction and must possess mental capacity.

NOTICE OF REVOCATION: Effecting Your Revocation

To ensure the effectiveness of your revocation, it is essential to provide timely and confirmed notice of the revocation. This involves ensuring that the written revocation is successfully received by the agent and any third party impacted by the power of attorney (such as financial institutions, land registries, and individuals).

Mailing the revocation without confirmed receipt is insufficient. It is imperative to verify that all relevant parties have indeed received the revocation. Consider employing double-registered mail or personal delivery for this purpose.

Moreover, if your power of attorney granted authority over real estate, it is recommended to register the revocation, including a legal description of the property, with the County Clerk's Office or deed registry in the location of the property.

Date: __________________________
Signature: _______________________


Kindly request your agent to promptly return all copies of the power of attorney. It is imperative to ensure that the term 'Revoked' is distinctly marked on each copy, preventing any unintended use in the future.

This precautionary measure aims to safeguard against potential misuse or misunderstanding of the power of attorney, reinforcing the clarity of its revoked status. Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.

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